Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) is an inflammatory agent that occurs naturally in the oily resin of cayenne peppers. Many agencies have authorized, or are authorizing, the use of OC sprays by their officers and have found that OC sprays are more effective and safer than either CN or CS gases. In a National Association of Probation Executives survey, OC spray was the second most common form of safety equipment authorized by community corrections agencies. This program examines how to effectively use OC, and how to care for the person sprayed once it is safe for the officer to do so. This program covers:
Physical Effects
Equipment Limitations
Critical First Aid Concerns
Verbal Commands
Decontamination Procedures
Training Considerations
Carry Considerations
Rendering Aid
Length of program -1/2 day
OC Trainer Certification is available with expansion of the program to 6 hrs.