Creating Quality Safety Training: An Administrator's Guidebook
This program provides information for administrators regarding the safety issues confronting their officers today, and tools with which they can create effective staff/officer safety programs that also meet the legal guidelines established by the Courts. Many administrators have risen through the ranks of a department that has been fortunate enough not to have experienced any serious hazardous duty situations. Thus, coupled with the fact that no central repository exists for hazardous duty information or statistics, they are not aware of the realistic threats that exist for their officers. Many times, given the numerous fiscal demands of the agency, safety training and equipment have given way to the everyday demands of the agency.
In this training, administrators will develop their individualized "road map" for safety training and equipment selection. They will learn the issues and considerations in tailoring policies and procedures for their agency. They will:
Learn the Realities of How Parole, Probation, and Community Corrections Personnel are Killed or Injured in the Line of Duty
Better Understand the Dynamics of Confrontations
Learn the Five Steps for Developing Effective Safety Training
Create Their Own "Safety Flow Chart"
Outline Policies That Do Not Create a "Critical Hesitation" in Their Staff When Responding to a Threat
Receive Numerous Examples of Policies and Procedures They Can Use in Their Agency
Explore Safe Building and Office Design Options
Learn How to Assure Their Safety Training Meets the Legal Challenge Of Being "Recent, Relevant and Realistic."
Length of program- 1 day